How simple and almost for free we can make great toys for our kids. My boy still loves to play with "horse chestnut snake". He calls it Jaguar, I have no idea why. You just drill the holes through them, wide enough to put a strong hemp cord through, make knots on both sides and the snake is ready to play with:
We made one eucalyptus' snake for his kindergarten and the kids love it too. I need to make a new one, I do not have any pictures. But I tell you the essential oils that come from the little buttons are great. The scent is so pleasing and refreshing. In the wintertime it is great to prevent cold. Weleda sells Eucalyptus spray that helps breathing during cold. You can read more about it here: Eucalyptus spray
and if I find some wooden beads I will make beech mast's dwarfs and show it to you tomorrow. If not, in 2011 then :)
Have a happy, happy new year and lots of love.