Sunday, November 27, 2011

The giveaway results

Ant the winner of my autumn giveaway is:

This means URSI is the lucky winner. Please send me your address as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation and welcome at any time. There will be another giveaway soon ...

Advent swap results

My dear ladies:

here is a circle of all participants. Please send me your address to I will send it to the one that was chosen to send you a swap gift and you will get the address of the one that was chosen for you.

And here are the results:

Betsy ---Sandra---Lepemalestvari---Cita---Laura---Nadja---Shelby---Mojca---pikapolona---Imerože---Betsy

And remember: send your gift until Dec 15th!

And I wish you lots of fun!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Advent swap

Hello dear friends,
I would like to offer you an Advent swap. If you would like to participate in it write a comment before Nov 26th. Pairs for swap will be randomly chosen.
How does it work?
You make something beautiful, wrap it nicely and send it to the address you'll get and then the expectation begins. Soon a packet comes to your door and surprise surprise you get a beautiful gift with a short letter ...
The packages should be sent by Dec 15th so we all get them before Christmas.
Thank you to all who caught that and let others know! I am looking forward and hoping you all want to be part of it!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Giveaway / nagradna igra

just to remind you all...the giveaway is still active, write a comment, become a follower or share it ... until Nov the 26th

Kako do dom-in-stilovega koledarja?

Tudi na mojem blogu bo en srečnež dobil koledar, za katerega je ilustracije prispevalo 12 ilustratorjev, 9 slovenskih in 3 italijanski. Omenim naj le avtorice ilustracij za prve tri mesece: Barbara Jelenkovich, Petra Kern in Polona Lovšin. 

Koledar je poseben tudi zato, ker ga ne bodo prodajali, v prosti prodaji se ga ne da kupiti. 
Tiskan je v omejeni nakladi 300 izvodov.  Večina ilustracij je narisanih prav za ta koledar.

Kako lahko prideš do njega?

Pustiš komentar na tej strani, 
postaneš redni bralec mojega bloga (naročiš se na objave) ali 
pa na svojem blogu objaviš povezavo na moj blog.

Več o koledarju si lahko prebereš tu:

Nagradna igra traja do tradicionalnega božičnega semnja v Waldorfski šoli Ljubljana, do 26. 11. 2011. Naključno izžrebani srečnež bo objavljen v nedeljo, 27.11.2011.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Martinmas lanterns in class 1

and after that comes the window stars time. I like it!

Felting workshop with class 1 parents

Yesterday we made felted soap. It is easy, quick and great gift for your friends or family:

and this is for our beloved kindergarten teacher's birthday:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My knitting project

My sevencircles are in the colors of lavender, my favorite plant of summer.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Less Mess / Tidy up art

Did you already see this? 

There is actually a self healing group Lessmess. I don't visit their meetings but try to have less mess every day. My boys are my motive power :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


spider webs 

and a beautiful nature table at our school. One mom (w. kindergarten teacher) takes care if it:

And don't forget the new giveaway: it is a calender, all you need to do is to post a comment, to become a follower or to link to my blog. The giveaway end on Nov 26th, when the traditional Christmas fair in Ljubljana Waldorf school will take place.