Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cookie cutters

My mother collects them. She bought bunch of them in Ikea, but when we entered a baking shop in Klagenfurt, Austria and when she saw whole wall of cookie cutters she screamed! Can you imagine her joy? She bought another bunch of them. Too bad her oven is out of order!

I need to show her this wreath!

1 comment:

  1. Si kar predstavljam :)) Jaz jih imam tudi rada, ampak še raje imam plastične, ker so bolj vzdržljivi in lažji za vzdrževanje - tupperware jih je imel pred leti, ne vem, če jih še ima, in so super. Mora biti pa kvalitetnejša plastika. Ti kovinski prehitro zarjavijo, potem pa moraš stalno nove kupovat :(
