Sunday, January 15, 2012

Temperaments in handwork

Last week I got a visit from a waldorf teacher student from Zagreb, Croatia. She is writting her final work at the seminar about the above mentioned theme. We talked about temperaments and how they impact students' work.  I showed her some 4th grade knitting and it was so clear which temperament is predominating. 

Have you ever thought about how can we help
 sangunine child to focus or
 phlegmatic child to get going or 
choleric child to enjoy at work no matter if he is the first or not or
melanholic child to have selfconfidence and is satisfied with the progress ...

I have found an article about the temperaments and handwork here.

I would love to read some comments of yours. The theme is so importnat if one would like to address everyone in the class every lesson. How can we do that? Who is the one that we overlook the most? Who gets the most attention? Who is happy and who not after the lesson? Who likes to learn something new every now and then and who would like to know everything (on the surface only).

How do you/if you do help your students to fiish their work at the end of the school year? Do you find that important or do you leave the work undone?

What is your main temperament as a handwork teacher? 

Please write a comment, an interesting debate can appear.

P.s.: I just found an old notebook, my notes of Ron Jarman's lectures -
 about a different approach to the same problem:

there were four young people driving to the coast. The road was winding down to the sea. When they arrived they put on their bathing suits and swam. They played, ate, had fun, when the sun started to set and they set out. The road was steep and winding. The engine was discarding strange voices and it stopped. The steam shot out of the engine. They were wondering how they will get home.


Who is who? What temperament is person A, B, C and D?

And which temperament is the one who became lawyer later in life (person D)?


  1. I only started as a handwork teacher last September so I am interested to see other comments on how to help the different temperments. I have a choleric child who believes that they can do everything before I have even had chance to go through it with him. He also wants to be, not only the first, but also the best at everything. I have a melancholic student who doesn't believe he can do anything and gets himself so wound up about this that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. I am currently experimenting with using stories to help these children. I got "Healing Stories for Challenging Behaviour" by Susan Perrow for Christmas to inspire me. I always tell a short story at the start of my lesson - I only have class one at the moment - so they are quite used to the storytelling.

  2. Fina tema! Glede na izkušnje letošnjega leta lahko popolnoma potrdim napisano za sangvinika - tri precej izrazite imam v razredu...kar naprej podiramo in popravljamo. Pa bognedaj, da v njihovi bližini kdo kaj drugega počne...tri zanke in bi šli raje slikat, brat... Imam nekaj melanholikov, na katere skoraj pozabim, tako noter padejo, po pravilu vsi pletejo trdo. Polovico bi po zgornjem besedilu dala med pretežno kolerike,s katerimi pa nimam težav, ker jih z mojim kolerično melanholičnim temperamentom očitno uspem dobro motivirat. Ja, zelo pisan in živahen razred imam ;)
